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|  | |  | Hyungtak Seo (서형탁), Ph.D. |
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- Assistant/Associate Professor (2011-2019)
| |  | +82-31-219-3532 |
| |  | +82-31-219-3532 |
| |  | +82-31-219-3532 |
| |  | hseo @ ajou.ac.kr, hseo76 @ gmail.com |
| |  | Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering Ajou University San 5, Woncheon-Dong, Yeongtong- Gu Suwon 443-749, Korea
|  |  | Ph.D. | Electrical Engineering (Specialty in Nanoelectronics), North Carolina State University (2008) Dissertation: Characterization of High-k Dielectrics and Interfaces on Device Reliability, Advisor: Prof. Gerald Lucovsky, Physics Dept. NC State University | | M.S. | Materials Science and Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea (2002) Thesis : Remote RF Plasma Cleaning for The Removal on RIE-induced Organic Impurity and Native Oxide | | B.S. | Materials Science and Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea (2000) | |
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| University of California at Berkeley, Visiting Scholar (2017-2018).
| Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, Chemical Sciences Division, Surface Catalysis Lab. (Joint affiliation with Dept. of Chemistry in UC Berkeley) Postdoctoral Fellow, Advisor: Prof. Gabor Somorjai (2009-2011). |
|  | North Carolina State University, Research Associate (2008-2009). | |  | North Carolina State University, Graduate Research Assistant in Dr. Lucovskys group, (2004- 2008). | |  | IMEC (Inter-University Microelectronics Center), Leuven, Belgium, Visiting researcher, (2007). | |  | Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science, Korea, Researcher, (2003-2004).
|  | | 1. Design and fabrication of nano-materials for solar cells, optical and gas sensors, photo-assisted and thermal-catalysis, supercapacitor, | | | 2. Developing materials/devices for next generation ICs (high-k dielectrics, resistive memory, logic), neuromorphic devices, optoelectronic devices, flat panel displays. | | | 3. Tuning of nanoscale semiconductor electronic properties for electrical and energy applications. | | | 4. Analysis for surface chemical (UPS, XPS), optical (Spectroscopic Ellipsometry), Electrical properties.
|  | |  | | | |  | American Vacuum Society (AVS) | |  | The Korean Sensor Society (한국센서학회), Industry-Academiy Cooperation Board Member (산학협력이사) | |  | Materials Research Society (MRS) | |  | The Korean Ceramics Society (한국세라믹학회) | |  | The Materials Society of Korean (한국재료학회), Editorial Division Board Member (편집이사) | |
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